查看完整版本: 原形兵器2即將參加E3展
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翼類 發表於 2011-4-22 07:08 PM


Confirmed E3 Game List:
Update: The list has been revised:
  Assassin's Creed III (Ubisoft)
Battlefield 3 (DICE/EA)
  Bioshock: Infinite (2K Games/Irrational Games)
  Bodycount (Codemasters) PC?
  Brink (Bethesda/Splash Damage)
  Call of Duty # (Sledgehammer/Activision)
  Dead Island (Techland/Deep Silver)
  Devil May Cry (Ninja Theory/Capcom)
  Devil's Third (THQ)
  Driver: SF (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360, Wii)
  Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Bethesda) [PC, PS3, X360)
  Forza 4 (Microsoft)
  Hitman 5 (IO Interactive/Square-Enix) [PC, PS3, X360)
  I Am Alive (Ubisoft)
  Kingdoms (Crytek)
  Mass Effect 3 (Bioware/EA)
  Max Payne 3 (Rockstar Games)
  Metro 2034 (THQ/4A Games)
  Ninja Gaiden 3 (Ninja Theory)
  Prey 2 (Human Head Studios/Bethesda)
  Project Gotham Racing 5 (Microsoft)
  Prototype 2 (Activision)
  RAGE (id Software/Bethesda)
  Red Faction: Armageddon (Volition/THQ)
  Resident Evil 6 (Capcom)
  Saints Row 3 (THQ)
  Spec Ops: The Line (Codemasters)
  Super Mario Bros 3DS (Nintendo/Nintendo EAD)
  Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix)
·《Agent》 (Rockstar North)
·《刺客教條3》 (Ubisoft)
·《戰地風雲3》 (DICE/EA)
·《生化奇兵:無限》 (2K Games/Irrational Games)
·《Codemasters》 (Codemasters) PC?
·《邊緣戰士》 (Bethesda/Splash Damage)
·《決勝時刻》新作 (Sledgehammer/Activision)
·《死亡之島》 (Techland/Deep Silver)
·《惡魔獵人DMC》 (Ninja Theory/Capcom)
·《Devil's Third》板垣伴信.新作 (THQ)
·《極道車魂:狂飆舊金山》 (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360, Wii)
·《上古捲軸5:天際》 (Bethesda) [PC, PS3, X360)
·《極限競速4》 (Microsoft)
·《殺手5》 (IO Interactive/Square-Enix) [PC, PS3, X360)
·《I Am Alive》 (Ubisoft)
·《Kingdoms》 (Crytek)
·《黑色洛城》 (Rockstar Games / Team Bondi) [PS3, X360)
·《質量效應3》 (Bioware/EA)
·《江湖本色3》 (Rockstar Games)
·《戰慄深隧2034》 (THQ/4A Games)
·《忍者外傳3》 (Ninja Theory)
·《星際獵殺2》 (Human Head Studios/Bethesda)
·《世界街頭賽車5》 (Microsoft)
·《原型兵器2》 (Activision)
·《狂怒》 (id Software/Bethesda)
·《赤色戰線:最終決戰》 (Volition/THQ)
·《惡靈古堡:拉昆市行動》 (Capcom)
·《黑街聖徒3》 (THQ)
·《Spec Ops: The Line》 (Codemasters)
·《古墓奇兵》 (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix)

  Agent (Rockstar North) (Highly likely, but still a rumor)
  Bungie's next game. (Which is rumored to be a MMO)
  Bully 2. (Has been hinted for a while, will it show up at E3 after all the controversy?)
  Crytek   UK project (Timesplitters 4? Battlefront 3? What is it?) Either way its   likely one or both of my suggestions will show up at E3.)
  Gears of War 3 (is been hinted for a while, no confirmation of showing up at E3)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (Its brewing, but will it show up?)
  Halo: ReEvolved (X360 remake of Halo 1)
  Hideo Kojima Title? (Rumored to be ZoE 3? Maybe.)
  Respawn studio's FPS project? (Likely aiming to kick CoD's ass.)
Half-Life 3? (Well Valve? You did actually mention HL3 awhile ago after HL2 was released stating around 2011/2012 maybe.)
  Kingdom Hearts 3 (Well its been years. Its likely to show up. I hope so.)
  Insomniac project (Their new multiplatform IP.)
  Manhunt 3. (Has been hinted for a while, will it show up at E3?)
  Guerrilla Games (New IP.)
  Starhawk (Lightbox Interactive)
  The Last Guardian (Sony)
  Neverwinter (Cryptic)
裡面有GTA5和HL3耶 XDDDDDDDD...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div><div></div>

sixninesong 發表於 2011-4-24 08:38 PM

酷!! 還看到battelfield3,這款遊戲畫質超讚的;希望原型兵器2有點不一樣的內容

aa118735900 發表於 2011-5-8 09:12 AM


asdvbn612 發表於 2011-9-25 09:06 PM

今年E3展 非常有看頭喔

ogame168 發表於 2011-10-15 02:32 PM


80121900 發表於 2011-10-15 05:26 PM

WOW 今年E3展~會非常有看頭喔~

威小弟 發表於 2011-11-19 04:15 PM


dog810914 發表於 2011-12-4 07:14 AM

E3展 加入了   應該蠻不錯說~~~~~

gn631801 發表於 2011-12-5 02:18 PM


24921094 發表於 2011-12-8 01:54 AM

今年E3真的很精彩 超期待<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

abc7619545 發表於 2014-7-30 08:50 AM

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